Saturday, April 11, 2009

What a treat to have Eric and Andrew visit for the week-end!! Here Foster shares his tactics for taking down his opponent before his wrestling match. Andrew prepares to record the event.

Aunt Melinda shares some wrestling tips with Andrew and Eric while Aunt Donna looks on.

Uncle Glen and Eric give Andrew a bull riding lesson.

Andrew is a natural at steer roping and riding.

Andrew checks out the "country chicks" at the feed store.

They almost got loose!

Spring brings quite a bit of tractor work.

Andrew checks out this year's ski boat. (It is green sparkle instead of blue :-) You are going to love it Jessie! A new to us " Charlie's Angels" boat!)

Andrew also inspects the crabbing and fishing boat to make sure it is seaworthy before he comes back to visit in the summer? Or sooner? We hope.

Then, of course there is spring planting. Andrew uses a "dibble stick" to plant some of Great Grandpa Bridgman's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin Seeds.

Andrew also built a "ding" about which you will need to speak to him regarding the technical details.

The whole extended Bridgman family can't wait until they return and bring the rest of the family, Owen, Leslie, baby sister, cousins aunts and uncles. What great fun for us! Jenny, thank you for sharing your grandson! I apologize about how long it took me to get these photos posted. I was temporarily separated from my camera :-(


Jennifer said...

I bet I know where the camera was.....under the car seat...that is where Terry keeps a lot of stuff. Did you find your phone while you were down there? No wonder Andrew had a good time. Maybe we can grow the prize winning pumpkin this year. I'm looking forward to a few full crab pots too. I hope that boat has an exta motor. One time I went out with Dad and there were a few Oh Oh's even with the second motor. Oh well, we had oars. Happy Easter to all.

Jennifer said...


Tindy said...

I'll be looking for a tool belt for you for your next "ding" project. Sometimes when I build a "ding" I can't find all my tools myself. They don't always turn out like I planned either???hmmm???
I like to build though.

Leslie said...

OMG - thank you so much for posting these pictures. Andrew had a fantastic visit and can't wait to get back up to Washington! Thank you so much!