Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bridgman Girls Live It Up In Tres Piedras!

Jenny, Tindy and Candy got together for a week in Tres Piedras, Taos and ABQ last week for a whirlwind of home improvement projects in TP, thrift/junking in Taos, (a treasure trove), a family wedding in ABQ for Kelly Caprons brother, hanging with Caleb Capron, (aka... dancin man) and of course the ABQ Flea Market and some city tourning on the ABQ bus. Had dinner with Jenny's friend Debbie and Gill Graves and their family 8 miles outside Tres Piedras. A real mountain showplace. With the TP store and restaraunt closed it's great that Jenny has a friend in the neighborhood.

The truth is the Peter's cabin/home in TP is really beautiful. The area is green and lush with wild flowers and the smell of sage in the air. The community has gr0wn with several permanent homes and a few horse friendly properties cropping up in the vicinty.
Here's a few pictures showcasing the highlights.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

SWARM of Bee's

As I was working out in the front flower beds this afternoon I hear my husband and his friend yell "quick get in the house!!!" I thought they were just trying to "play me" so I casually walked to the backyard as they screamed "GET IN THE HOUSE!" There was a HUGE swarm of bee's in our backyard-thousands of bee's. I have never seen such a sight. Terry said they came over in a huge cloud all together. They are hard to see in the pictures and only about 1/2 of them show up. We quickly grabbed the camera as they settled in a small tree next to our shed. For some added excitement Terry shot the bee bee gun into the tree. They seemed to be making a nest in the tree until Terry went to the store and bought more RAID! Our bug zapper was broken so that didn't help us.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chipper the lamb to market!!

Cameron and Chipper participated in the Puget Sound Junior Livestock Show last weekend at the Skagit County fairgrounds. Chipper won champion lamb for his weight class and Cameron won Reserve Champion Novice Showman. Whohooo! A lot of fun and Chip was purchased by Skagit State Bank. Now Cameron is getting Nike and Shoelace ready for the summer fairs and August Livestock Show. Foster has four new blue rosecomb chicks from his new breeding program pair. Dillon left on Tuesday for Bristol Bay and is gill netting on the boat the Chill Cat owned by Gene Higgins of LaConner. Pray for his safety.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Pacifier vs. Thumb

It's a tough decision for Nik, does he want a pacifier (bibila in greek) or would he rather suck on his thumb. He has come to the conclusion why not do both at the same time (see video) He also likes to take the bibila out with one hand and suck on his other hand for a while and then he puts his bibila back in. It doesn't always go in correctly but I am pretty proud of his fine motor skills.