Monday, June 22, 2009

A Whole Bunch of Bridgmans

Berry Dairy Days in Burlington
brings out a bunch of Bridgmans!
Here's who I saw.........
David Bridgman and he gave me a hug and a sigh of relief now that he's a graduate
Donna on horse security, (top pic) won't look this way
Rodeo Queen Mallory Bridgman
Granny and Gramps happy and looking for someone to toss a tootsie roll their way!
Oliver who brought his parents, Tyler and Amber and his grandparents Susan and Dan
Candy ran the 10K and WON for her age group!! SMOKIN!
Mike B ran the 2 mile!
Foster was in the Firecracker Soccer tourney down the street.
Big doin's in town!


Leah said...

Where is your invisible dog Tindy? I need it for the 4th of July race.

Tindy said...

I asked a bric brac vendor along the parade route and he said he isn't carrying them in '09. Can you believe it? I lost my invisible dog in the 80's. What a shame!

Told the guy I'm expecting a "come back" so he better get some for his shopping cart sales.

Sorry I can't help out your 4th costume.

Mara said...

Sounds like fun, congratulations Candy on the big win.

Jeanie said...

So happy to see that the matriarch and patriarch of the Bridgman Clan are doing well enough to join the festivities~

Jeanie said...

Hey, just wanted you all to know that I found an invisible dog for Tindy. They are selling them here in Texas at the Cracker Barrel. Are there Cracker Barrel's in Washington? It was $19.95... I am sure that is a lot more than you paid for yours in the 80's.

Tindy said...


Prices have skyrocketed! I think they were around $5. Got rid of mine when I quit perming my hair I think and about the same time I was into Saturday Night Fever music. Yikes!!

PS...Haven't seen a Cracker Barrel in WA

Jeanie said...

Tindy, if you can't live without another one, maybe Jon and Kelly could bring you one if they are coming that way this summer. If not, I'm sure you can order one at