Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from New Mexico
Haven't got the pictures yet, but I did want to get in the holiday greeting. The picture will have lots of snow, fried eggs and red chile (you can have that if you have been shoveling snow for days, right?) Bonnie our dog bounding over the snow banks, a snow covered outside Christmas tree, chile lights on the inside tree, an old sled pressed into service to haul in wood from the vanishing wood pile, and our chickens hunkered down in their cozy little chicken house. We even have good company as our neighbors are all snowbound too. Haven't heard of any of you caught in the airports....there's no place like home when the weather is threatening. There are SOME OF US bragging about shorts and flip flops, but we send our Holiday Greetings to all, wherever you may be. Love, Terry and Jennifer
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Jessie Bear's Christmas Vaca

This has been a fun winter vacation from coming home to snow, building snow forts, doing donuts in parking lots, to the Seahawks game beating the Jets. To Oliver growing so fast, already 4months. Hope everyone will be having a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! 08 was great but what does 09 have in store? Love ya all Jessie Bear
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow Buddies
A great kid day of snow and play. Cameron on the right, (red coat) and Trevin and Sean old school friends have some great fun towing each other on the 4 wheeler. Cameron and Sean complain about Trevin's driving but he is the only one with a license! Foster and Dillon made a jump for the know sled. Foz caught some air. Our snow was too dry to make a snowman. Good job Leah, Terry and Candy for your dapper snow men! We'll try again tommorow. Keep watching the blog.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
More Snow!
Here in Sedro-Woolley we have a ton of snow. There is at least a foot! School was cancelled today and Terry did not have work either which made for a FUN snow day! We made a snowman, went for a snowy walk and rode our 4 wheeler around. More fun to come....2 days until Winter Break. Maybe fewer days until break if this snow sticks around. Yeah!!! ***Leah :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Grandma Duty
Here I am doing my "job". It's not to hard because if Nik cries, either Arthur or Mara come to rescue him and I'm off duty. He likes the book "Five little Monkeys" and I now know it by heart. I can stack his toys up and he will knock them down, he likes to beat on things with his wooden stick (even the window and DVD player). So far so good, I'm getting my baby groove back. It's not as hard being the Grandma compared to being the Mom. Arthur's Mom and Dad help too.
Monday, November 10, 2008
To Athens and Back

I made it! I called up some of my old skills and saw all the sights. I was very careful because I didn't want Mara to get blamed for losing wife, mother, daughter, sister, auntie, cousin, grandmother etc. in Athens. I traveled by train. It took me 4 hours. I saw the Greek countryside on the way. Since I didn't sleep well the night before the trip was a bit foggy....but it really is foggy here. The humidity was a surprise. Thank goodness the temperatures have cooled. I have asked Mara for some pictures of her Athens trip, since I was having trouble carrying my toothbrush and map and didn't bring a camera. She's looking for them in her collection of photos. I used my strong Bridgman legs to get around the town. Mara had given me a list of things to see and instructions on how to use the Metro. Thank goodness that some things in some big cities are not that much different. My little room had big windows that looked out at the Acropolis especially with all the lights at night. Of course I spent too much time at the train stations not wanting to miss my train. It was nice to get back to Kalampaka .
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Baby Oliver Update

Pictures of baby Oliver. He is so sweet when he is sleeping. He likes to take naps on daddy or any one who is willing to hold him for hours. His fancy bassinet isn't getting used much since he prefers to sleep in our arms or on our chest. Grandma helped us give him a bath, he was in desperate need of one because mommy was afraid to give him one, she is new to all this. Well hope you enjoyed our pictures. We will post more later.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mighty Hunters!
A yearling cow elk walked in front of Mike Wade, (aka, One Shot Charlie), last week when he called it in ("meow, meow", he said). After flinging his arrow it ran around and jumped in a lake. His trusty hunting partner Glen Smith (with the tan) helped pack the elk back to camp. Kilby, Pa Tingley, Nick and Mikey Wade got elk and Nick doubled getting the only deer in camp. All was well this year and the weather was hot. Alan needed a bath said Mikey, TWO WEEKS!!
Meat cutting and packaging night is tommorrow at Alan's shop.
Good times!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How Does Your Garden Grow?
How is your garden doing? We have been eating so many green beans, tomatoes, radishes and lots of zuchinni. We are getting ready to eat corn on the cob too! Notice the new fence in the background. It is a tall one. We also got a new metal roof this week! (Stepped on a rusty nail!) Ouch! I had to go get a tetnus shot! Lots of home improvements going on here!!! We don't have much time for gardening now that school has started and Terry is working more hours also. We are staying busy and having fun fixing up our house (spending the $ is not so fun but watching the houses appearance improve is!)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A New Bridgman has arrived
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Summer Is Ending
Fair season is over with the Puyallup Fair coming in a couple of weeks, Foster and Cameron had some great times showing their cows and chickens. The Evergreen Fair last week in Monroe was great and Fosters rooster won the Crowing Contest with 9 crows in 5 minutes. HA!!!
Cameron had the Reserve Champion Female Simmental Heifer. Dillon is still in Kodiak and hasn't been fishing much since the beginning of August. The skipper of his boat has had him weed whacking at his house there and so he thinks he'll come home soon since fishing prospects haven't panned out so good this month. All in all his Alaska summer made him some pretty good cash.
Mike is getting ready to go to Elk camp for two weeks with a bunch of hunting buddies down near Mount Ranier. Foster is going there for his birthday weekend. I am heading over the Cascades with a 4-H family, ( Betsy Benson Christianson)accross Cascade Pass to Stehekin. (21 miles in two days) This is a great trip that one shouldn't miss. And you must stay a night at the Stehekin Valley Ranch owned by the Courtney Family.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A little meat
Friday, August 8, 2008
Latest Photo Ops of Nik Sakkas
Friday, July 25, 2008
Is that Terry riding the mule?
Actually it's a grandmother in Greece, they still use them to get around in. Why have a car when you can have your own personal grass mower, plant fertilizer and transport system all in one small package.
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