Pictures of baby Oliver. He is so sweet when he is sleeping. He likes to take naps on daddy or any one who is willing to hold him for hours. His fancy bassinet isn't getting used much since he prefers to sleep in our arms or on our chest. Grandma helped us give him a bath, he was in desperate need of one because mommy was afraid to give him one, she is new to all this. Well hope you enjoyed our pictures. We will post more later.
He is so cute! I can't wait to see him in person. Are you guys getting any sleep?
Oh my gosh! What a guy! He is beautiful! Can't wait to hold the "snuggly little bundle."
Hey Oliver, Good thing Grandma came along. Yeah for Grandmas.Love
I love a bath too Oliver!
Great Aunt Tindy
Hold him as much as you can they grow so fast, I know that everyone is telling you this, but I just can't imagine Nik fitting into a sink now.
Oliver you need to stop growing at least till i finish school! I miss ya much, and can't wait to see ya! Looks like you mom and dad figured this whole blog out! Sorry I never called you back right away Maguyver lost my phone and the last place i looked was my car. oppss!! Hope to see ya soon. love ya Jess
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