Monday, March 23, 2009

Bridgman Family Farm Clean-up day!


Jennifer said...

Nice pictures,Jessica, thanks...and posted before summer Sure does look nice around the farm. Do you know how many of your viewers are wishing that the crew would come to their house...maybe some of the workers too. I was with you in spirit. I had to roll the rocks along the driveway back in place after the plowings this winter, I assembled my garden plots, organized my greenhouse(there was ice in there last night) and began a little raking. The winds were blowing about 45mph so I didn't get to the burning. Today I'll work in my sheds because I've stashed a "few" things in there this winter. We will put up the for sale sign. We've lowered the price a bit. Here we go again. We have a new realtor who seems more aggressive than the last one. The winter was milder than last year, but we can have freezing temperatures at night. The real planting date is June 7...that means lettuce...I like lettuce..... and I had good luck with it last year. My walking partner has shown me some wild currant bushes(with big thorns)so if things get too bad we've got eating covered. Yesterday I went to Alamosa, Colorado with my friend Debbie. The Colorado/New Mexico border is just 30 miles north. I saw a huge herd of elk. Terry's friend, Duke, said it could have been greater than 500. He's lived here all his life and had never seen such a herd. If you like to google try elk San Antonio Mountain New Mexico. The best elk meat I've had was run down by a neighbor and cooked in HIS fire pit. Guess I haven't been that hungry yet. My eyes must be like Dad's because I still can spot elk at a distance. Well, I must get to my list..hope I can find it...Hey, Candy Did Andrew light up when he heard your name? He knows where Leslie hid the Halloween candy. Love, Jenny

JESSICA said...

No worries Jenny you were there in spirit. Especially your grade school report cards. Let me tell you I was entertained by all you kids school work in this wet box we found. Also you didn't miss out on much because we cleaned up alot of smelly dead stuff due to the flood water. EWW!! We really enjoyed seeing Eric and Andrew too they were really hard workers. Hope to see you soon. Don't work too hard now, you hear. Love Jessie

Jennifer said...

I'll check out the Bellingham connections. Just found out I could fly out of Santa Fe to Jon's house. What about Bayview?

Tindy said...


You are a lot of fun! Hope you didn't find my report "Talking" was always on my report card.

Love you,


Leah said...

Watch out my mom wants to steal Andrew and claim him as her grandchild! They had so much fun together!!! It was fun to see Eric & Andrew!

Jennifer said...

Hey Leah,I owe your mom. Sharing my grandkids might get me some pay back points, especially if there were no tantrums. I sure am glad 3-4 have their birthdays in March(one Feb that's close) with Grandpa B. Hopefully by the time they get the calendar figured out I'll have it down. It will be close with Andrew. Don't worry, Tindy, she probably found the one of mine that said "Bothers others".