Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gramps and Granny

Picked up Gramps at the Red Cross Shelter at Stanwood High cafeteria last night at 9pm. Josephine Home had to evacuate 135 people from the facility and they set up army cots in the gym and common areas. This happened a few years ago and invoves quite an effort for staff, school kids who help and the community. What a field trip!! We decided to pick dad up and granny is happy gramps is coming over, but he and she are still both VERY MUCH on the "bannana peel". It will be a day or two till Josephine will be back to normal and then grandpa and grandma will be going there together for some rehab and therapy. Just yesterday Mike B. and I met with staff to discuss dads progress and goals for both he and mom and the hope that mom can join him soon for therapy. They want to stick together.

It appears that this situation could go on another day or so since the Stillaguamish river isn't expected to crest until late today. All of western Washington is having "Flood Warning". All passes over the Cascades are closed and will be for a day or so and I- 5 south of Olympia has a 20 mile stretch that is underwater and will be for a couple of days. Rocks twice the size of cars are falling onto I-5 near Bellingham. Crazy weather and no school for most schools today.

Alan and Mike B. battened down the hatches, moved vehicles and hay off the farm on Sullivan road. The Bridgman family is glad gramps and granny are not out there on the farm this week!



Jennifer said...

Good Grief

Tindy said...

Mike b. said water is running accross Bayview Edison road toward the bay from the pea set all the way to the Edison river bridge. Whew!!

Don't know about the house on Sullivan Rd.

Mara said...

I'm glad Grandpa and Grandma are safe and sound, hopefully they can stick together.

Tindy said...

Granny is headed off to Physical Therapy at Josephine Home today after lunch. She s anxious about going, excited in a lot of ways I guess I could say. She and dad haven't been away from each other this long for 53 years and they are glad to joing each other again. She will be down the hall a few doors. The thinking is that this is best since Dad is NOT to help mom, (so he won't injure himself, and so mom will do more to help herself if she is in her own room). She's afraid she'll lose her new cute frog socks down there even though we wrote P. Bridgman on them with the Sharpie!

She's taking her own rubber exercise bands to try to show the therapists, "she's NO whimp".

Love Tindy

Tindy said...

OOOOpsa I meant 63 years!!