Sunday, June 22, 2008

SWARM of Bee's

As I was working out in the front flower beds this afternoon I hear my husband and his friend yell "quick get in the house!!!" I thought they were just trying to "play me" so I casually walked to the backyard as they screamed "GET IN THE HOUSE!" There was a HUGE swarm of bee's in our backyard-thousands of bee's. I have never seen such a sight. Terry said they came over in a huge cloud all together. They are hard to see in the pictures and only about 1/2 of them show up. We quickly grabbed the camera as they settled in a small tree next to our shed. For some added excitement Terry shot the bee bee gun into the tree. They seemed to be making a nest in the tree until Terry went to the store and bought more RAID! Our bug zapper was broken so that didn't help us.


Tindy said...

Scarey!! What kind and are they still around? Anybody stung? Go get'em Terry with the BB gun!!!


Candy said...

Wow! A bee rodeo and shoot-out! No end to the wildlife excitement at your house!! Any "possums" or raccoons lately?

Mara said...

That is pretty crazy, Jennifer (mom) named her chickens after bees.

Jennifer said...

Did you call Grandpa B? I think you are suppose to beat on pans then call the Bee man or were they killer bees?