Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Winter Snow

Before I get started about the snow I just have to tell you about

BABY - Nick- born last night in Kalampaka Greece , parents Mara and Aurthur. Jenny called me from T.P New Mexico a few minutes ago with the news. Guess they went to the hospital for Mara having some indigestion or something and they said it was time for him to come and he did. Parents were not quite expecting him last night but all are well and happy!

Congratulations!! I will update this blog with their blog address asap.

The boys are out of school Cam for semester break and Foster for a snow day and they have had some fun. The chickens are even enjoying the change of weather. The snow has brought along warmth, 32+ degrees. Last wee and weekend we were dipping into the teens and were very cold. All of us including the animals except "WHOPPER", the two week old orphaned calf were feeling it. He is snug in his little igloo. He was given to Cameron from the farmer who sold him his cows last summer. Whopper lost his mom to some ilness.

Foster s off to his first chicken 4-H meeting tonight and has a new batch of chicks on order that are coming next week in the mail from the McMurray hatchery. He is getting his brooder ready and these will be his summer show stock for the fairs in the area.

Took Grandpa and Granny a load of wook on Sunday since Granps keeps it toasty and he was running low. They are snug in the farmhouse and Gramps made all of the boys a big bowl of icecream and fruit topping for their efforts. They still do remarkably well.

Glen Smith led a wood party at Great Grandma Bridgmans house in Burlington on Saturday to take down a couple of giant birch trees that were a hazzard to the house. Mike and Cameron went to help and David Stice, Kelli's friend, brought a commercial boom truck and chipper. It means for more firewood for Granny and Gramps and the place looks real cute.

Foster and I were in Puyallup at his soccer game in a sleet storm. Burrrh! THe game was a "nail biter" and ended in a tie!


Jennifer said...

I'm having a bit of trouble getting the details, but baby is having some trouble eating. They have moved him to a bigger hospital and are giving him medication for this problem at this time. I will not say any more because the info is unclear. It does leave Mara at one hospital, baby at another a few hours away and Arthur in between. I'm waiting for good news. You can check the blog a www.thecaprons.blogspot.com if Tindy doesn't have it linked yet. Please keep Mara, Arthur and Nick in your prayers. Jenny

Jennifer said...

Those are fine looking chickens, Foster. Don't forget to make a plan for your chicks if the power goes out. The weather these days is a little goofy. Love, Aunt Jenny

Jennifer said...

Oh Cameron, that little calf is cute. He'll need a new home soon. Is there nice warm straw in there? Do you move it around like the Chicken Cart? I'm going to look again to check it out. Do you have some new friends at school? Love, Aunt Jenny.