Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tulips and Snow

Out of town friends and family out to come to visit during the month of April sometime. Several huge fields of different varieties of tulips grown by the Roozen Family. They also grow iris, peonies, gladiolas, daffodils, and lilies.

The yellow field in the background is a field of daffodils.

On the way to the Wade's last night at about 8:00 p.m. Glen and I passed the tulip fields. It is Tulip Festival Time all month and tourists in busses and cars clog the roads during the daytime. The sun was out, and it looked like spring. In fact last week-end it was near 75 degrees. Last night, however, as we were driving home from the Wade's house at about 10:30 p.m. it was snowing huge white feathery flakes!! Although the snow was not sticking to the road, the flakes were so many and so big that we could not even see the centerline and had to drive about 10 miles per hour, white knuckled most of the way home!! Today it has "topped out" at 39 degrees and has snowed most of the morning. I guess I won't be planting the garden today! Oh well.

Monday, April 14, 2008

yep! its true there is still snow in the mountains. Catchin some April Slopes @ Silver Mt. ID.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This little fellow is a friend. He and
his friends come daily and will let
me sit right by them. They stayed
all winter.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Winter in TP

I am figuring this out. Bear with me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

ROXY Kitty!

If you haven't heard my 1 year old kitten got attacked by a dog, and the vet asked my consent to operate. It didn't look good and the vet said he didn't recommend it, so she passed away :( The day of my leave to Costa Rica! I was very sad! Now that I am back at school with all Witty's things the house was just not the same and very lonely. So my little addition I have recieved today is Roxy! She's perfect, trusting, and sweet. I love her. So RIP Witty Marie Bridgman and Welcome Roxy Dot Bridgman to the fam. love Jessiebear!