Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Among the Bridgman Tribe

Young folk and the seniors, (more of us now!!) gathered at the Smith's for good food, games, egg hunt and a video made by George Anderson, (Donnas dad), the CRAZY videographer. A recapture of the summer 2007 highlights. Some events included the Mike B. birthday at Bayview State Park, Bob B. birthday party, with Bob solos of Johnny Cash and Louie Armstrong, WOW. Saw pregnant Amber and Tyler. All ate TOOOOOOOOOO much.

Pictureless in Tres Piedras

Ok, I'll get this started just like I do most everything else, one step at a time. The good news: The snow is melting. The bad news: Water is bubbling up between the house and the shed. We thought we had a water leak, but the report is just the meltdown via some gopher holes. Doesn't sound right to me, but we still have water at the sink and the meter isn't running so...... The water gurus dug a trench through our new flagstone and that water is "moving on". My assistant is sleeping in the big chair. I'll show him this post and maybe he'll put his new camera to work soon. We were invited to Easter Service and dinner at a little Baptist Church in Questa. It was a beautiful drive across the Taos mesa and up to the the little mountain town. We saw herds of elk and antelope. My sugar cookies, baked in the Bridgman tradition of rabbits and chickens iced yellow, white and pink with coconut and sprinkles, turned out good, but my deviled eggs were a failure. We'll be having potato salad tomorrow, hopefully without the eggshells. I have a guy next door helping me with the work that still needs to be done on the cabin. I have the upstairs flooring, a closet, inside/outside painting, some tiling and some trim work left to do. I've got a guy lined up to do the harder stuff. We'll put the 4-sale up this summer and see what happens. We'll get more intense/realtor as time goes on. I'm thinking about a Washington trip soon and a trip to Greece in the fall , otherwise I'll be right here in Tres Piedras working on my projects.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hola Mi Familia

I have just returned from my study abroad from Costa Rica! So i wasn't sure how to do this, but I did manage to make a blog under my name under contributors but its not the first Jessi B its the second! i have no clue what i did! but Check it out its a start! love ya all Jessi B.

Tyler and I are expecting to have our first child in September. I just thought that the family should know if they haven't already found out. We don't know the sex of the child yet, but plan to find out at the end of April.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Nicholaos Comes Home!

Hurray! See the 2/29 news on grecomara link.

Great news!